About us

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Aelpa healthy people better world

Growing up in poverty, children face many challenges: hunger and health problems, limited access to education and medical services.Growing up in poverty, children face many challenges
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Promote Access to Healthcare For Children
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Connects Nonprofits, Donors Every Country
  • Hundreds of houses renovated
  • A relationship where we care
Growing up in poverty, children face many challenges: hunger and health problems, limited access to education

Individual Gift

We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training, and support they need We help local nonprofits

Monthly Gift

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Gift Catalog

Morbi tortor lorem, pretium in pretium sit amet, posuere et orci Ut mattis sodales ipsum, quis ultricies…

In their own words

When young people want to tell their story, we listen.
These young people still believe in a better tomorrow.
They know they can break free from those who
Program expenditure
Save the Children
  • Ut nec venenatis mauris, vitae accumsan
  • Fundraise or host an event lorem ipsum dolor sit amet constur adipisicing elit
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What people say about our
Aelpa fundraising

150+ Countries where funds are raised

Let us work together to make a difference

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Building a better world
for and with children

We improve the health of children and families so children no longer die of preventable illnesses and live past their fifth birthday Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Case Success

Join our team And
Donate to help young
people with cancer

Care and support for every young person facing cancer.